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Business studies

Students taking Business at Advanced Level may not have taken the subject at GCSE level. We are happy for a Year 12 student with no previous knowledge of the subject to join the course, assuming that they have a keen interest in the Business environment and what is being reported in the media.

Business students also have the opportunity to join in business competitions such as Young Enterprise which will add to the enjoyment and achievement of students at this level.

We direct our efforts towards developing Business students with; critical, creative, and research aptitudes along with profound social commitment and capability to contribute to entrepreneurial and business development. 

Courses Offered

A Level Business (Edexcel)

Syllabus Breakdown

Year 1

Theme 1: Marketing and People

  • Meeting customer needs

  • The market

  • Marketing mix and strategy

  • Managing people

  • Entrepreneurs and leaders

Theme 2: Managing Business Activities

  • Raising finance

  • Financial planning

  • Managing finance

  • Resource management

  • External influences

 Year 2

Theme 3: Business decisions and strategy 

  • Business objectives and strategy 

  • Business growth 

  • Decision-making techniques 

  • Influences on business decisions 

  • Assessing competitiveness 

  • Managing change 

Theme 4: Global Business 

  • Globalisation 

  • Global markets and business expansion 

  • global marketing 

  • Global industries and companies (multinational corporations) 

Subject Key Concepts

 #1 Functional Areas           #2 Business Language           #3 Evidence Base         

 #4 Balanced Argument          #5 Decision Making         #6 Communication Skills         

 #7 Make Full Connections      #8 Beyond the Classroom and Me – Am I thinking Smart?

 Please click here for Subject Key Concepts.

Curriculum Overview

Please click here for a PDF Year 12 curriculum overview for the year.
Please click here for a PDF Year 13 curriculum overview for the year.

A level assessment 

The A level is assessed by three 2 hour written exams at the end of the course. All papers are written examinations. The papers comprise of two sections. Students answer all questions from both sections. Sections A and B each comprise one data response question broken down into a number of parts, including one extended open-response question. Duration: 2 hours each and 100 marks available per paper. 

Paper 1 – Themes 1 and 4 

Paper 2 – Themes 2 and 3 

Paper 3 – One-released context document and covering all themes.

Minimum Entry Requirements

It is not necessary to have taken a GCSE in Business, as the course assumes no prior knowledge, although for those who have taken it we ask for a grade 5. It is also recommended that students have achieved grade 5 or above in GCSE English and GCSE maths, in addition to our general Sixth Form entry requirements of five GCSEs passes at grade 4 or above.

Why Study Business?  

This course will be of great value to those considering careers in commerce or industry, but it is by no means designed exclusively for them. Business Studies will not make you a millionaire by the time you are 21. It will, however, provide an exciting insight into the dynamic world of business, giving the basic skills necessary to produce a business plan, and manage a company. You will learn the importance of marketing, how to identify, target and satisfy customer requirements, and how to motivate people, in order to maximise their output. You will learn that every business decision has financial implications, and you will be taught how to calculate profit, forecast cash flow and analyse a firm’s published accounts. Apart from learning the theoretical aspects of business, examining case studies encourages students to use their initiative in problem-solving and gives rise to lively class discussions. 

Wider Opportunities

Participation on Young Enterprise and ICAEW Base competitions. Business visits. 

What Our Students Say:

“Thank you for all the support given and ‘real life’ example that helped me get into my university of choice studying accountancy.”

What Can I Do Next? 

Higher education courses are available in many universities. Degree level programmes include: Business Management, Business and Finance, Logistics and Supply Chain, Personnel Management, Events Management and Enterprise. 

Higher level apprenticeships are also available, leading to business or business administration careers. 

Opportunities for graduates include Business Ownership, Sales and Marketing executive positions, Chartered Accountancy, Human Resource Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Systems Analyst positions, Retail Management, Insurance underwriter positions, Public Relations, Teaching, and Events Management. 

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